Tuesday, January 14, 2014

20140113 BANGKOK Under SEIGE and the SIAMESE MERRY-GO-ROUND ..20170825-20170927 the VERDICT

20170927 : Re. the corrupted G2G rice regime, .. guilty of ปฏิบัติหรือละเว้นการปฏิบัติหน้าที่โดยทุจริต ตามประมวลกฏหมายอาญา มาตรา 157 และ พ.ร.บ.ป.ป.ช. มาตรา 123/1

severely negligent on duty’  

resulting in a giga loss for at least THB+70,549,222,014 badly damaged national balance sheet caused by giga rice regime multi-level chains of management corruptions..


correct me if I'm wrong ..

“.. Despite a sequence of severe warnings proposed by entities concerned through the rice years, crop after crop,
 the defendant only had the cases of worrying notified by the cabinet in the house,
 thus no proper action responded in regard with good practice,
 resulting in more than THB 500 Billions spent over budget found at the ledgering balance trial.. ”

Looking forwards ..:)

20170825 postponed to 11 a.m. of 20170927, the verdict read in absentia
to the majority votes unanimously 9:0 .. GUILTY
in which 1 initially voted 'not guilty' by พิศล พิรุณ ประธานแผนกคดีเยาวชนและครอบครัวในศาลฎีกา
Awaiting the final individual B&W soon to come in month time, some Thais head-scratching wondering who's that jerk , and .. what's the hungry dog deal ??
if any, QQ!!

Looking forwards ..:)

  - a murderer, a thief, a liar, impure, a drunkard

 from 9:50:24>> " ยั ง ไ ม่ ไ ด้ " .. 9:50:56 ..

from 2009 fraud democracy propaganda victims to 2012 crooked populist regime
and today's poor destiny of the red followers -naive rice farmers
half a decade of nothing but worsen recovery and its anarchy democraZy 

.....and what about this high-way robbery,

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