Wednesday, April 2, 2014

20140401..THE HUNGERS' GAMER and the RIPPERs

Re.: ..'it's a JOBLESS MOB'.., said s/b-.. "POLITICIANs -the DESTROYERs and ROBBERs..!!. our lands are riPPed off..." over-heard is OVER-HURT ..    The evil is riding 'pi-way' the star of no zodiac  ..   Let a thin smile give them a last BLOW..".. To Space !!.. "-whoever did destroying .. Spontaneously from the opposite direction, down to earth, w/ a cloak of hizz-HiZZ gently breeze-a-bye, is my affiliate's quick response ... don't you see, earth,.. they never stop..
.. my children say.. "let's do this !!.." ..yes, mother earth is our assets..,INDEED ..

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