Monday, March 9, 2015

UNIVERSAL CONFLICT .. ?? 'Chicken Vs. Egg' !!… ?? 'Gvt. Officials Corruption Vs. Tax underpayment' ..!! .. ?? 'Poverty Vs. Democracy' ..!!

1) WHICH ONE COMES FIRST.., (A) or (B)..
(A) ??  'Chicken Vs. Egg' !!…  
(B) ??  'Gvt. Officials Corruption Vs. Tax Underpayment' ..!!
2) only when ZERO is corRuption rate, shall FULL taX be paid..,
3) WHICH ONE is priority.., ??  'POVERTY  Vs.  Democracy' !!… 
.. to answer this question, DemocraZy LITERACY is required .. below is recruitment ads .. for the position of 'Software Game Programmer(s)'
.. to cope with the project for which a brief and prelim info given therein ..
focusing on 'democraZy literacy' purpose
.. feel free to participate ..

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