Monday, December 2, 2013

1100 hrs ..3 Dec 2013 ...daily VICTORY of THE LOYAL COMMONERS .. FOR THE KING ...and the Kingdom of THAILAND ... to end ประชาธิปตังค์

.. showing no sense of responsibility upon tearing this nation into pieces ..feeling FULL after EATING EVERYTHING until recent approval, as of 3 Dec 2013, upon 4800 mb purchasing 7 more trains for the 'minus-revenue' route, the OUT-LAW gang stepped up a few more deaths of some students, red shirt, gendarmeries and protesters across Bangkok to present a cosmetic gratefulness before the KING ..
.. ' SO  G R O S S ... S S '..!! , spelling check ?? ..  h ah ahaa haa ....

... below is a part of the big picture, if CNN's Andrew Stevens may see behind '(cashy) democracy' (-ประชาธิปตังค์ actually), claimed by a gang of somewhat 'elected' politicians of 'majority votes overdose'  ..
.. are you really shallow or just feeling a little bit 'FULL' ??, world media ...?? .. Try Wind Mudra ..or another acting class trial ..  And, the tear gas scene up above was triggered by the amateur gendarmeries behind the barriers under self-entrapment for days..- a dozen of whisky found where they left ..  You knew it well. ...  What the world media is trying to turn away from is that the current ruling gvt. has been voided since 20 nov. 2013 re. the verdict by the constitutional court foolishly denied by the heads of the houses and the cabinet. The illegitimacy of the comfortably numb management heat up the disobedience to protest at higher level against the OUT-LAW, particularly when the 'show-down' is announced ... - the loyal commoners VS the treason/insurgence .. Andrew Stevens should have learnt that the ruling gvt. now has already been unconstitutional long before the day millions of people come out ..  Why 'cashy-democracy' unquestioned by Stevens is very interesting when it's the cause of giga corruption ..being digested in the zoo. It's unbelievable that Stevens didn't have a clue about this most successful ever ahimsa protest in the world..  They just want to oust a corrupted gang of animals out of this country ..  They are making new things decent people dream about .. a decent society by good citizen.  In this regard, Andrew Stevens, we invite you to join our band, ..... sincerely...:)

p.s. : in case TKpt dissoluted by the coming verdict, herebelow might have been noticed..

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